1.The next three lines are calls you should include at the beginning of your program to get support for interface internationalization.
2.The few people that did buy a Kin will still get support from Microsoft, but the future of promised software updates is up in the air.
3.One of the first steps of your quit-smoking action plan should be "Get support. "
4.If Iranian co-operation is insufficient, as it is likely to be, it will be easier to get support for new UN sanctions.
5.This provides a way for innovative products, new materials and techniques to get support and not be blocked by traditional thinking.
6.Another new feature is the simpler conditional get support, which we already covered in a recent Rails roundup on ETags.
7.It also enables you to get support for client transactions in EJB Web services.
8.The Hydra website has online support in a forum, but you are more likely to get support through thier IRC channel.
9.You may be able to get support from an art foundation.
10.thus, it's important for people with panic disorder to get support and understanding from family members and others in their lives.